Boost to learning in higher education through gamification


  • Isabel Rodríguez-Iglesias Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Ana Moreno-Adalid Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Sara Gallego Trijueque Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Educational innovation, Higher education, Integral learning, Gamification, Motivation, Soft Skills


The aim of this project is to implement a cooperative learning methodology in the university environment through a gamification strategy to promote behavioural changes in students. The stimulus tool is an innovative practice of double correction that incorporates the concept of fun. The Chi-square statistic was applied to the data obtained. In addition, students were given a questionnaire on the acquired competences to which the Mann-Whitney U test was applied. The analysis of the resultant data supports that the implemented strategy improves interpersonal skills and academic performance.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Iglesias, I. ., Moreno-Adalid, A. ., & Gallego Trijueque, S. . (2022). Boost to learning in higher education through gamification. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(3), 1–12.