Author Guidelines

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • That this manuscript is being submitted only to the International Journal of Translational Medical Research and Public Health (IJTMRPH), that this manuscript shall not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration, that it has not been published elsewhere, and, should it be published in IJTMRPH, that it shall not be published elsewhere either in similar form or verbatim without permission of the editors. (Note: These restrictions do not apply to abstracts or to press reports of presentations at scientific meetings and conferences);

  • That all authors listed on this manuscript have made substantive intellectual contributions to the manuscript with regards to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analyses and interpretation of data, drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and that they all have given final approval of the version to be submitted for publication;

  • That all authors have discussed and decided the authorship issues, including the order in which the authors would be listed in the published paper, before submission;

  • That all authors understand that IJTMRPH is an open-access journal and that, if accepted for publication, we fully understand that we shall be required to pay an article-processing charge prior to the publication of our paper;

  • That all authors have complied with the necessary local and international regulations regarding the conduct of research, including the declaration of conflict of interest, disclosure of financial interest, and institutional review board approval, where necessary, in the preparation of this manuscript. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines;

  • That all authors have obtained the necessary ethics approvals in adherence with the local and international policies and used the standardized form of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and other ethical guidelines outlined by the journal and guiding the universal conduct of research and shall make all efforts to submit any approvals, if needed;

  • That the manuscript document has been created using the journal's Manuscript Template and that all tables and figures are included in ONE Word document file; and

  • I agree that I am not allowed to withdraw the manuscript once the review has commenced unless for the written and documented purposes of addressing serious ethical violations identified after submission and in agreement with the Editor-in-Chief; and I agree that the journal reserves the express right to publish the paper, charge the required article processing charges, or charge the submission fees to cover the cost of review resources.

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Section Policies

Manuscript submission to IJTMRPH is free for all authors. Prospective authors should review every section of this author's instruction in order to ensure that they make submissions that comply with the journal's instructions.

Author Manuscript Template

Download the free manuscript templates for your article type from the journal's website.

Article Types

IJTMRPH considers the following types of articles for publication:

Original Research Article

This will be the report of data from original research conducted by researchers. Original Research Articles undergo full peer-review.

Methodology Articles

These comprise presentations of novel statistical, demographic, and public health applications and techniques, experimental methods, tests, or procedures. Submissions should demonstrate how the new method improves upon what is currently in existence. Methodology articles undergo full peer-review.

Short Research Communication

These are brief reports of data from original research. Submissions rapidly disseminate work whose results will be of immediate relevance to the field. Short research communications undergo full peer-review.

Field Studies

These are descriptions of a major program intervention or policy option that is adjudged to be relevant to the fields of public health and medical research. Submissions should include rigorous assessments of the processes and the impact of the study, as well as recommendations for the future. Field Studies undergo full peer-review.

Public Health Policy and Practice

These are evidence or data-based updates on impending policy or practice issues with potential impact on the policy and practice of translational medical research or public health. Submissions undergo full peer-review.

Editorials, Commentaries, or Viewpoints

These are short, focused, and opinion articles addressing emerging issues in public health and medical research. These usually set the stage for galvanizing further action in the issues addressed. Submissions undergo peer review.

Systematic Reviews or Meta-Analyses

These are comprehensive, authoritative, descriptions of any subject that addresses existing or emerging areas in all aspects of public health and medical research. Review articles must conform to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) standard for reporting systematic reviews. Please review the PRISMA statement here for more information about the PRISMA standard. Review articles may be systematic reviews or meta-analyses. Submissions undergo full peer-review.

Book Reviews

These are short summaries of the strengths and weaknesses of a new book in the field evaluating the book's usefulness in the fields of public health and medical research. Book reviews are reviewed by experts.

Letters to the Editor

These are published responses to articles previously published in the journal and responses by the authors of the work so-referred if the Letter to Editor substantially adds to the findings of the prior article in question. Letters to the Editor are limited to reactions to 2-3 prior issues of the journal. Letters to the Editor can also be used to espouse a new topic for which little or no prior data or research exists. Letters to the Editor regarding prior articles are internally reviewed; those espousing new topics undergo full peer-review.

Conference Reports

These are short descriptions of a conference that the author has attended, which focuses on the key developments presented and discussed at the meeting. Meeting reports must address translational medical research and public health. Conference reports are internally expertly reviewed.

Special Collections, Theme Issues, or Supplements

Inquiries about publishing special collections, theme issues, or supplements are welcome. The proposal to publish the contents, (with articles or meeting abstracts) should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief. All special collections, theme issues, or supplements are subject to the editorial policy, peer-review, and guidelines. Submissions in special collections, theme issues, or supplements undergo the same full peer-review as other articles.

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Manuscript Preparation

IJTMRPH accepts manuscripts written in American ENGLISH only. Manuscripts are to be typed double-spaced, 12 point font size, using American English spelling ONLY. All manuscripts should be submitted by the corresponding author. Submissions by anyone other than the corresponding author will not be accepted. Manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents ONLY. Tables and figures must be integrated into the manuscript as one document. Manuscripts will not be accepted in any other format except those outlined above. Limit the use of special formatting in your submitted text. Manuscripts that do not comply with the author guidelines outlined here will be administratively rejected and returned to the authors immediately.

After submitting a manuscript, corresponding authors are advised to add the journal's email address to their email contacts. This will prevent emails from the journal from being delivered to your email spam/junk mailbox.

Manuscript Format

Title and Authorship Page

The following information should be included in the manuscript title page:

  • Cover letter,
  • Paper title,
  • Short or running title,
  • Full name of authors including only earned highest degrees and professional degrees,
  • Full institutional address of all authors (including ZIP code, if applicable),
  • Telephone number with area codes,
  • E-mail addresses of all authors, and
  • Email address of the corresponding author indicated with an asterisk.*


The manuscript for original research, review, and short research communication should contain a structured abstract. The abstract should be self-contained and citation-free and should not exceed 300 words. Abstracts should have the following 5 sections: (1) Introduction, (2) Methods, (3) Results, (4) Discussion, (5) Conclusion, and Implications for Translation. The free manuscript template provides more detailed information on manuscript preparation. The different sections of the manuscript should be numbered as outlined below.

1. Background or Introduction

This section provides an introduction and overview including what is known in the field. It should be succinct, with no subheadings. This is where you state what is known in the field and what is lacking using the deficiency model in identifying gaps in current/prior research and practice. This is where you provide the statement of the problem followed by the objectives of your present study. This is where you make the argument why we should publish this paper. The variables must be clearly identified and operationalized.

2. Methods

This part should contain sufficient detail so that all procedures can be replicable or reproducible by other researchers. Authors may divide this into subsections if several methods are described. The methodology should provide sufficient step-by-step detail to guide scientific replicability. It should be easy to read and understand. All methods and statistical analyses including the software used must be systematically and sufficiently described. If the method is well-known, describe how you used the method and then refer readers to those sources.

Ethical Review/Statement: Include information about the approval of the study stating which Institutional Review Board (IRB), Ethics Committee (EC), Ethics Board (EB), or government agency approved the study or granted exception.

3. Results

This section should be presented using subheadings. It should provide the findings of the study without discussions. The results must directly stem from the objectives and specific aims of the study and tie into the study variables. Begin with the key findings and work down to the last finding. Please limit all numbers to two decimal places.

4. Discussions

The discussion section should be as concise as possible and should include a brief statement of the major findings, a discussion of the validity of the observations, a discussion of the findings in light of other published work dealing with the same or closely related subjects, and a statement of the possible significance of the work. It should include the strengths and weaknesses and unanswered questions and opportunities for future research. Extensive discussion of the literature is discouraged in this section.

5. Conclusions and Implications for Translation

This section should clearly explain the main conclusions of the work. It should summarize the overall key findings of the study. This section should highlight the work's importance and relevance to both medical research, practice, and policy. This section should address the so what question or the question addressed by the paper. What is the contribution that this paper will make to the field--for both other researchers and practitioners? The authors should be bold and make the quantum leap (avoiding exaggerations) which is at the center of this journal as a vehicle for translational medical research and public health.

Key Words

Provide a list of 6- 12 keywords directly below the abstract. Keywords should express the precise content of the manuscript, as they are used for indexing and search purposes.


Acknowledgment should be included at the end of the paper before the references. It should contain information about research support grants, fellowships, and prior presentations. This is a place to list contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship such as people who provided technical help or writing assistance. Also, include here details of any organization that has made a contribution to your research such as funding organization. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from all the people acknowledged before putting their names in the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest

IJTMRPH maintains a disclosure policy that requires that all authors of manuscripts must declare any conflict of interest existing in the work on which their manuscripts were based. A competing interest exists when professional judgment concerning the validity of research is influenced by a secondary interest, such as financial gain. We require that our authors reveal all possible conflicts of interest in their submitted manuscripts. The author(s) should state if they have any conflict of interest regarding the paper. If there is, please state clearly what the conflict(s) is or are. All submitted manuscripts must contain a Statement of Ethics and a Disclosure Statement after the main body of the text but before the reference list.


The authors should state the funding source.


Authors are responsible for ensuring that the information in each reference is complete and accurate. With the exception of review articles, references should be no more than 30. Authors should reference only the papers that they have read themselves and that are relevant to the manuscript. Minimal citations of online resources are allowed. Footnotes are not allowed except for tables and figures.

References should follow the latest edition of the American Medical Association (AMA) manual style.

All references must be numbered consecutively and citations of references in text should be identified using numbers in superscript (e.g., discussed by Johnson;9 or as discussed elsewhere. 9,10). Note that punctuation marks come before the citation square brackets. All references should be cited within the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed from the manuscript. Authors are strongly advised to review and use the journal manuscript templates. Manuscripts that do not comply with the AMA manual style will be rejected immediately and authors are advised to format them according to the style and resubmit.

Examples of References in American Medical Association (AMA) Style:

  1. Wang H, Naghavi M, Allen C, et al; GBD 2015 Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators. Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. Lancet. 2016;388(10053):1459-1544.

  2. Naghavi M, Makela S, Foreman K, O'Brien J, Pourmalek F, Lozano R. Algorithms for enhancing public health utility of national causes-of-death data. Pop Health Metrics. 2010;8:9.

  3. United States Census Bureau. County intercensal estimates by age, sex, race: 1980-1989. Published 2009. Available from: Accessed January 8, 2018.

Tables, Figures, and Illustrations

Tables and figures should be numbered and referred to by number in the text. Each table or figure should be typed on a separate page and should have a descriptive title. Attach the tables and the figures at the end of the manuscript after the references. Illustrations (photographs, drawings, diagrams, and charts) are to be numbered in one consecutive series of Arabic numerals and referred to by number in the text.

Photographs should be high-contrast and drawings should be dark, sharp, and clear. Artwork for each figure should be provided on a separate page. Each figure should have an accompanying caption. The list of captions for illustrations should be typed on a separate page. There should be no more than three tables or figures for a full research paper. Extra tables and figures may be published at extra cost to the authors.

Units of Measurement

Authors of manuscripts are advised to present units of measurement using System International (SI) units.

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Reporting Guidelines

The journal adheres to the EQUATOR Network reporting guidelines.

Article types are based upon key reporting guidelines, as defined by the EQUATOR Network. Authors should prepare their manuscripts in accordance with the appropriate guidelines(s) and/or checklist(s) for each type of article. Authors should use the checklist and flow diagram templates for the guidelines outlined below for each of the articles they are reporting. We ask that authors use the appropriate checklist (and flow diagram, if applicable) and include the checklist with each submission. Below you will find the reporting guidelines for the kinds of articles published by this journal.

For further information regarding reporting guidelines, authors should consult the EQUATOR Network website on the link, which maintains a useful, up-to-date list of guidelines as they are published, with links to articles and checklists.

Clinical Trial/Experimental Study (CONSORT Compliant)

Reports of randomized trials must conform to the revised CONSORT guidelines and should be submitted with their protocols and a completed CONSORT checklist. All reports of clinical trials must include a summary of previous research findings and explain how the submitted trial affects this summary of previous findings. Cluster randomized trials should be reported according to extended CONSORT guidelines. Randomized trials reporting harms must be described according to extended CONSORT guidelines. All reports of randomized trials should include a section entitled "Randomization and Masking" within the methods section. For information regarding CONSORT guidelines, please visit

Observational Study (STROBE Compliant)*

Observational research comprises several study designs and many topic areas. The STROBE statement should be used when reporting such research. The STROBE recommendations apply to the three main analytical designs used in observational research: (1) cohort, (2) case-control, and (3) cross-sectional studies. The STROBE Statement consists of a 22-item checklist. For information regarding STROBE guidelines, please visit

*Please note that authors are allowed to use a customized version of the STROBE checklist.

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA Compliant)

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses must be reported according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, an evidence-based minimum set of items created to help authors improve the reporting of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The PRISMA Statement consists of a 27-item checklist and a four-phase flow diagram. For information regarding PRISMA guidelines, please visit

Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (MOOSE Compliant)

Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of observational studies in epidemiology should be reported according to MOOSE guidelines. For more information regarding MOOSE guidelines, please visit

Diagnostic Accuracy Study (STARD Compliant)

Investigators reporting studies of diagnostic accuracy should adhere to the STARD statement, part of the STARD initiative to improve the accuracy and completeness of reporting of studies of diagnostic accuracy, to allow readers to assess the potential for bias in a study (internal validity) and to evaluate a study's generalizability (external validity). The STARD statement consists of a 25-item checklist and recommends the use of a flow diagram to describe the design of the study and the flow of patients. For information regarding STARD guidelines, please visit

Quality Improvement Study (SQUIRE Compliant)*

The SQUIRE statement helps authors write excellent, usable articles about quality improvement in health care so that findings may be easily discovered and widely disseminated. The SQUIRE statement consists of a 19-item checklist. The SQUIRE guidelines are not exclusive to other guidelines. For example, an improvement project or effectiveness study that used a randomized controlled trial design should consider using both the CONSORT and the SQUIRE guidelines. In these cases, both checklists should be uploaded as a single document. For more information regarding SQUIRE guidelines, please visit

*Please note that authors are allowed to use a customized version of the SQUIRE checklist.

Economic Evaluation Study (CHEERS Compliant)

Developed by the ISPOR Quality Improvement in Cost-Effectiveness Research Task Force, the CHEERS statement supports the quality, consistency, and transparency of health economics and outcomes research reporting in the biomedical literature. The CHEERS statement includes a 24-item checklist. For more information regarding CHEERS guidelines, please visit

Clinical Case Report (CARE Compliant)

The CARE guidelines provide a framework to support the need for completeness, transparency, and data analysis in case reports and data from the point of care. The main tools of CARE are the CARE Statement, CARE checklist, and a Case Report Writing Template. These products offer a rationale and a standardized format for authors to prepare more complete and transparent case reports. For more information regarding CARE guidelines, please visit

Qualitative Studies (SRQR Compliant)

The Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR) formulates and defines standards for reporting qualitative research while preserving the requisite flexibility to accommodate various paradigms, approaches, and methods. The SRQR aims to improve the transparency of all aspects of qualitative research by providing clear standards for reporting qualitative research. These standards will assist authors during manuscript preparation, editors and reviewers in evaluating a manuscript for potential publication, and readers when critically appraising, applying, and synthesizing study findings. The SRQR consists of 21 items. For more information regarding SRQR guidelines, please visit

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Publication & Submission Policies

IJTMRPH subscribes to the best ethical principles in the publication of scientific work. The policies published here are meant to provide general guidelines and are in tandem with the best practices adopted (and disseminated) by many prominent publishers, scientific journals, and scientific publication forums across the world. The policies outlined here will be updated as necessary.

Submission is a representation that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review, final project, thesis, or dissertation). The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the article's publication has been approved by all co-authors. It is also the author's responsibility to ensure that the articles emanating from a particular institution are submitted with the approval of the necessary institution.

Only an acknowledgment from the IJTMRPH editorial office officially establishes the date of receipt. Further correspondence and galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author before publication unless otherwise indicated. It is a condition of submission of a paper that the authors permit editing of the paper for scientific merit and readability. All inquiries concerning manuscripts under consideration should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief via email to

Peer Review

Every submission is peer-reviewed and evaluated by at least two members of the journal's review panel. Peer-reviewers help the Editors to determine the paper's relevance and significance, the degree to which it advances scientific knowledge, the quality of scholarly presentation, the integrity of research methods, and content relevant to the fields of translational medical research and public health. The journal utilizes peer-reviewers from its large pool of Editorial Board, global review panels, and experts in the field.

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Copyright Notice

Articles published in IJTMRPH are open-access and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium provided the original work is properly cited. The license will be included in the final published article.


All open-access articles published by IJTMRPH are made freely accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers. By doing this, authors' works become accessible to the widest scientific and professional audience around the world especially in resource-limited parts of the world. In addition, authors of articles published in IJTMRPH are the copyright holders of their articles and have granted to IJTMRPH, the right to use, reproduce, or disseminate the article according to the journal's copyright and license agreement.

Authors must obtain the written permission from the copyright owner (usually the author and publisher) for the use of tables, illustrations, or extensively quoted material that has previously appeared in another publication. The authors are responsible for any costs incurred relating to obtaining permissions for any such material. The journal reserves the right not to use such materials.

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Article Processing Charges (APC)

This journal is a non-profit Gold Open Access journal, which means it offsets all the costs associated with its high-quality publishing service through Article Processing Charges (APC). All manuscripts submitted to this journal are assumed to be submitted under the Open Access publishing model. In the Open Access publishing model, papers are peer-reviewed in the same normal rigorous review under editorial control. Once a paper is accepted for publication, the author will be issued with an invoice for payment of an APC. The APC is charged to the authors, institutions, or funders. Upon receipt of the APC, the paper will be scheduled for production.

APC allows our non-profit publisher to recover its editorial and production costs and create/support a pool of funds that is used to provide fee waivers and discounted APC rates for authors from developing countries of students. Published papers appear electronically and are freely available from our journal’s website for anyone in the world to read, distribute and reuse. Authors may also use the published PDF of their published papers for any non-commercial use on their personal or non-commercial institution's website. The table below contains the article processing charges (APCs) charged by the journal for accepted manuscripts.


Article Processing Charges (APC) Table (currency is in U.S. Dollars)

Article Type

Developed Countries*

Developing Countries or LMIC*

Letters to the Editor



Original Research



Editorials, Commentaries & Viewpoints



Short Research Communication



Field Studies, Notes from the Field, & Case Reports



Public Health Policy & Practice



Conference Reports



Methodology Articles



Systematic Reviews or Meta-Analysis



Book Reviews



Notes: (1) Click here to find out which group your country falls under. (2) Requests for waivers or discounts must be included in the cover letter during manuscript submission.

Note: For articles over the prescribed word limit (as shown in the table below), we will charge an additional $99.00 US dollars article processing charge for every 0-500 words over the limit. We will charge an additional $59 for each additional table or figure over the prescribed limit due to additional work required. Our goal is to ensure that all submissions comply with the prescribed word limit so that the need for extra publication charges does not arise. We will review manuscripts and determine the costs beforehand. Any overage charges should be discussed and an amount agreed upon at the time of article submission. We will not charge our authors without their interest or consent. Please contact the editorial office for any questions about this:

Country Classification: To determine where your country falls, please visit the World Bank Country and Lending Groups here.

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Word Limits

Word limit table for different articles

Article Type

Word Limit*


Tables, Figures, & Images

Letters to the Editor




Original Research




Editorials, Commentaries & Viewpoints




Short Research Communication




Field Studies, Notes from the Field & Case Reports




Public Health Policy & Practice




Conference Reports




Methodology Articles




Systematic Reviews or Meta-Analyses




Book Reviews




*Notes: (1) The stated word limits exclude Article title, Author information, Abstracts, keyword, and References. (2) Journal templates for each article type are available on the journal website.

Waivers/Discounts: Discounts, waivers, and special considerations may be granted to all authors, especially for authors from developing countries. To the best of our ability, we do not want the inability to pay to limit the publication of important research work. Discounts or waivers should be discussed and an amount agreed upon at the time of article submission.

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Ethical Guidelines

IJTMRPH complies with the Principles of Transparency and Best Practices in Scholarly Publishing jointly issued by the following international publishing organizations: Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). In addition, IJTMRPH complies with ethical and publishing standards established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Council of Science Editors (CSE). By adopting these principles and complying with these standards, our journal maintains high scientific quality, ethical integrity, and transparency in our publishing practices.

Open Access: The journal is a gold open access journal. When eligible, the journal will apply for indexing in indexing bodies such as DOAJ. Upon acceptance into DOAJ, the journal will be subjected to the required screening and rescreening for open-access publishing best practices as established and updated by DOAJ. The journal will also apply for indexing with the NIH PubMed Central. The journal is not a member of the publishing trade association OASPA; however, the journal voluntarily subscribes to and complies with the best practices for open-access publishers as established and advocated by OASPA.

Human Experiments

Studies involving human subjects (including research on identifiable human material and data) must have been performed with the approval of an appropriate ethics committee and with appropriate participants’ informed consent in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration.

In the manuscript, authors should specify the name of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) or ethics committee (EC) or other relevant authority who approved the study protocol and provide the reference number where appropriate. If ethics approval was not required, or if the study has been granted an exemption from requiring ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript (including the name of the IRB/EC who made that decision).

For all research involving human subjects, written informed consent to participate in the study should be obtained from participants (or their parent/legal guardian where appropriate ) and a statement detailing this should appear in the manuscript. For studies involving vulnerable participants or participants at-risk of potential coercion, detailed information regarding the steps taken to ensure informed consent must be provided. If consent was not obtained, please specify why and whether this was approved by the IRB/EC.

In line with the ICMJE recommendations on the protection of research participants, authors must avoid providing identifying information unless strictly necessary for the submission, and participants’ identifiable attributes must be anonymized in the manuscript and its supplementary files if any. If identifying information is necessary, authors must confirm that the individual has provided written consent for the use of that information in a publication. Manuscripts reporting a case report must include a statement detailing that written informed consent for publication was obtained and from whom. If the patient has died, consent for publication must be obtained from their next of kin. If the patient described in the case report is minor or vulnerable, then consent for publication must be obtained from the parent/legal guardian.

Clinical Trials: In accordance with the ICMJE recommendations, all clinical trials should be registered in a publicly available registry approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) or ICMJE (see the list here and here) and the clinical trial number must be clearly stated in the manuscript. Manuscripts reporting clinical trials must adhere to the relevant reporting guidelines for their study design, such as CONSORT for randomized controlled trials, TREND for non-randomized trials, or other relevant reporting guidelines as detailed on the Equator Network website.

IJTMRPH follows the WHO's definition of clinical trials: "A clinical trial is any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes [...] Interventions include but are not restricted to drugs, cells, and other biological products, surgical procedures, radiologic procedures, devices, behavioural treatments, process-of-care changes, preventive care, etc. This definition includes Phase I to Phase IV trials.”

Animal Experiments

Papers describing experiments on living animals should provide information on the following:

  • A full description of any anesthetic and surgical procedure used; and
  • Evidence that all possible steps were taken to avoid animal suffering at each stage of the experiment. Papers describing experiments on isolated tissues must indicate precisely how the donor tissues were obtained.

In all cases, IJTMRPH reserves the right to ask authors for more information about their treatment of human and/or animal subjects in their work prior to publication.

IJTMRPH subscribes to the principles and guidelines for reporting preclinical research led by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Click here to read more about this guideline and its implication for your manuscript submission.

IRB Approval

IJTMRPH requires that all studies that involve human subjects or participants be approved or deemed exempt by an official institutional review board or ethics review board as applicable in the authors' country. Information about ethical approvable must be clearly stated in the Methodology section of the manuscript before submission.

Informed Consent

IJTMRPH requires that authors obtain requisite informed consent and/or assent or other applicable consent from all human subjects or participants in their study. Authors are required to state whether and how informed consent/assent was obtained in their study in their manuscript.

In reporting their studies, authors should avoid the use of names, initials, and hospital numbers of patients/volunteers or study participants or subjects. In very rare circumstances where the authors are submitting photographs of study participants, these individuals should not be recognizable from photographs unless their written permission has first been obtained.

Please contact the editorial office before submitting any videos, photographs, or other images of study participants. The journal reserves the right not to use these materials.

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Editorial Principles and Compliance with ICMJE Recommendations

IJTMRPH adheres to the finest editorial principles to ensure that the work it publishes is accurate, timely, fair, and conforms to the best ethical principles of publication of scientific papers as outlined here and may be updated from time to time. We believe that principles like those outlined here provide clarity and rigorous guidelines for best working practices in scientific publishing and for ensuring the integrity of the papers that we publish. We believe that these principles and policies will benefit our authors, editors, and readers as we strive for a trustworthy, transparent, and efficient publishing process.

IJTMRPH Editor-in-Chief is a member of the World Association of Medical Editors, a global non-profit voluntary association of editors of peer-reviewed medical journals. This ensures that our editorial policies comply with the best and most current practices in medical and scientific publishing.


Editors and reviewers are expected to treat articles they handle confidentially. Editors and reviewers must not disclose information about manuscripts (including their receipt, content, status in the publishing process, reviewer feedback, and final decision) to anyone, other than the authors.

Objectivity and Fair-Play

An editor will evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors. Reviews should be conducted objectively. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Referees should express their views clearly with supporting arguments.

Integrity of the Scientific Record

IJTMRPH is committed to maintaining the integrity of the published record and to publishing the most objective and unbiased scientific information possible. As such, we subscribe to the principles adopted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and follow the COPE's Code of Conduct.

Research misconduct includes fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results, according to experts. If a suspicion or allegation of scientific misconduct or fraudulent research is brought to the journal's attention concerning a manuscript submitted for review, IJTMRPH reserves the right to raise these concerns with other relevant institutions or other appropriate authorities for investigation. In the handling and resolution of such cases, we follow COPE's guidance and recommendations

IJTMRPH will take all necessary steps to maintain the accuracy and quality of the papers it publishes. To this end, IJTMRPH will publish correspondence about papers and publish Errata and Corrigenda when appropriate. In cases of serious error or scientific misconduct, it may be necessary to ask authors to retract their papers or to impose retraction upon them. Should an author discern a significant error or inaccuracy in the published article, they are responsible for notifying IJTMRPH Editor-in-Chief or publisher and should work together with them to retract or correct the paper. If the Editor-in-Chief or the publisher learns that a published article contains a significant error, the author will be asked to correct or possibly retract the paper, or assist verification by the Editor-in-Chief of the correctness of the original paper.

Errata and Corrigenda

Should an error appear in a published article that affects the scientific meaning or author credibility but does not affect the overall results and conclusions of the paper, our policy is to publish a correction in print and online in the next available issue of the journal. If an error is introduced by the publisher during the editing and/or proofing stages, the journal takes responsibility and a correction is published as an Erratum, with appropriate apologies to authors and readers. If an error is introduced by the authors, the correction is published as a Corrigendum and the author is required to pay all costs associated with the correction. Minor errors will be expeditiously corrected.


Should a paper contain one or more significant errors or inaccuracies that change some or all of the results or conclusions described therein, the entire paper may be retracted. The word "retraction" will be used in the title of the Retraction to ensure that it is picked up by indexing and archiving systems. The journal will request an explanation from the author(s) as to how the errors or inaccuracies occurred, and if they are not satisfied with the response they will ask the employers of the authors or some other appropriate body to investigate, and particularly to consider the possibility of fraudulent behavior. The journal will make all reasonable attempts to ensure that such an investigation is carried out with due diligence. To the extent possible, we will assist the parties and their institutions in the resolutions of these cases.

Should an author discern a significant error or inaccuracy in the published article, they are responsible for notifying IJTMRPH and should work together with the journal to retract or correct the paper. If the journal learns that a published article contains a significant error, the author will be asked to correct or possibly retract the paper, or assist verification by the Editor-in-Chief of the correctness of the original paper.

Redundant or Concurrent Publication

Research manuscripts that describe work already published elsewhere will not be considered. The submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal concurrently is also considered to be unethical practice. This does not prevent journals from considering articles that have been rejected by other journals or that were not previously published in full (e.g. abstracts or posters presented at scientific meetings).

When submitting, authors should declare any previous submissions or reports that might be regarded as redundant or duplicate publication. Copies of any such related articles should be included with the submitted manuscript to assist editorial decision-making. If the redundant publication is attempted or occurs, editorial action will be taken, including probable rejection or publication of a notice of redundant or duplicate publication.


Plagiarism is the use of other's published and unpublished ideas or words (or other intellectual property) without attribution or permission, and presenting them as new and original rather than derived from an existing source. Plagiarism is considered a dishonest and unacceptable practice. By submitting an article, authors are thereby asserting that their work is entirely original and that others' work or text has been appropriately cited or attributed.

IJTMRPH is committed to the publication of high-quality, original, research in the field of translational medical research and public health. The journal will take every step to ensure that, to the best of its knowledge, papers published in the journal are original and conform to the best ethical principles. This includes the use of proprietary and open-source anti-plagiarism screening services and software (iThenticate) to verify the originality of content submitted before publication. Manuscripts containing plagiarized contents will be automatically rejected; journal editors reserve the right to notify appropriate agencies or the institutions of the corresponding authors of such behavior and may ban the authors from submitting to the journal in the future.

Author Contributions

An author is someone who has made significant and substantial contributions to a study. This should include conception, design, analysis, execution, interpretation of the findings, drafting, and revising of the manuscript. Papers must be submitted with the agreement of all authors, and all authors should give final approval of the version to be published. Those who have made other contributions to the work, such as by providing or assisting with the writing may be listed in the Acknowledgements, and their role or involvement outlined.

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Privacy Statement

IJTMRPH is a peer-reviewed, open-access, online journal published by the Global Health and Education Projects, Inc. (GHEP). GHEP is a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to eliminate health and education disparities in local communities in the U.S. and across the world by addressing the social determinants of health.

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Last Updated: April 30, 2021.

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