Active and healthy ageing. Educational experience through intergenerational education


  • Lorena Coromoto Linares Baeza Universidad Isabel I
  • Carmen Cecilia Roz Faraco Universidad Isabel I
  • Nazaret Martínez-Heredia Universidad de Granada



Intergenerational Education, Older Adults, Experience, Active Aging, Grandparent Circle


This article purposes to describe intergenerational education experiences between 3 to 6 years old preschoolers and older people. Through the establishment of exchange- oriented links of appreciation and affective interrelation. These links contribute to revitalize the activity of those who have developed a long life experience, making them to feel useful, updated and less prone to suffer diseases, through the experience of intergenerational education “Grandparents’ Circle” de-veloped in the Padre Machado Educational Complex, attached to the Mayor’s Office of the Municipality of San Diego in the city of Valencia, Carabobo State, Venezuela.


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Como Citar

Coromoto Linares Baeza, L., Roz Faraco, C. C., & Martínez-Heredia, N. (2022). Active and healthy ageing. Educational experience through intergenerational education. TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 12(2), 1–8.