Human and Children’s Rights in the Context of Education and School Mediation




Children's rights, Conflict resolution, School Climate, School mediation, Social changes


There is common understanding among the member states of the UN on Human and Children’s Rights and that everyone has a right to life, liberty, and security of person. Children are entitled to special care. Social changes caused by migration or armed conflicts affect families and may have negative consequences on children’s welfare. Violent family structures are often transported into the schools. Evidence on school mediation and conflict resolution programs between peers seems to be a good method to teach children how to resolve conflicts peacefully. This paper also researches how such programs can contribute to a more conflict-free society.

Biografia do Autor

Martina Spann, Universidad Camilo José Cela

Martina Spann holds a MSc in Development Management (focus on countries with armed conflict) from The Open University, UK. PhD student in Education at Camilo José Cela University, Madrid, and coordinator of the German Schools Abroad in Portugal and Spain. Research in Mediation in Schools in Colombia in the context of apost-civil war country.

Juan Carlos Torrego Seijo, Universidad de Alcalá

Juan Carlos Torrego holds a PhD in Education from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Extraordinary Award), Professor in the Department of Educational Sciences (area of Didactics and School Organisation) at the University of Alcalá and coordinator of the research group "Inclusion and Educational Improvement: Coexistence and Cooperative Learning".

Carlos Monge López, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Carlos Monge holds an International Doctorate in Education from the University of Alcalá (Extraordinary Award), Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Studies (Didactics and School Organisation) at the Complutense University of Madrid and member of the research groups "Technological Development, Sociocultural Exclusion and Education" and "Inclusion and Educational Improvement: Coexistence and Cooperative Learning".


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Como Citar

Spann, M. ., Torrego Seijo, J. C., & Monge López, C. (2021). Human and Children’s Rights in the Context of Education and School Mediation. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 10(1), pp. 143–154.



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