Expolio y destrucción en Oriente Próximo en el contexto de guerra e inestabilidad política


  • Juan Martín Aguilera Martín Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Palabras clave:

Expolio, Oriente Próximo, Guerra, Patrimonio cultural, Daesh, EIIL, Tráfico de antigüedades


Since the Arab Spring of 2011, the cultural heritage of the Middle East has faced a serious threat, as Daesh (ISIS) and other extremist organizations turned archaeological sites into a financing tool. In 2016, around 100,000 cultural objects of great importance, including 4,500 archaeological sites, nine of which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, were under the control of the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. However, not only these extremist groups are included in these dynamics. Part of the population of these countries does not hesitate to carry out this type of activity to get ahead.


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Cómo citar

Aguilera Martín, J. M. (2023). Expolio y destrucción en Oriente Próximo en el contexto de guerra e inestabilidad política. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 18(2), 1–9. https://doi.org/10.37467/revhuman.v18.4864