CL-oriented approaches to teaching phrasal verbs. A report on EFL classroom-based research

A report on EFL classroom-based research


  • Marta Martín-Gilete University of Extremadura


Palabras clave:

TEFL, Cognitive Linguistics, L2 vocabulary, Material design, Pictorial elucidation, Phrasal verbs, Figurative language


This article presents some ongoing work that is part of a project on classroom-based research into CL-oriented activities for teaching/learning phrasal verbs in English. Framed in a three-month longitudinal study, this investigation reports on the design, implementation, and assessment of CL-oriented activities aiming at fostering awareness of the meaning of the particles IN/OUT and UP/DOWN with intermediate-level Spanish speakers of English (N=81). Results were described concerning two different methods used to measure students’ learning gains: feedback from the classroom and formal assessment. Findings are discussed regarding the mismatch between results reported from the classroom and quantitative results.


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Cómo citar

Martín-Gilete, M. . (2022). CL-oriented approaches to teaching phrasal verbs. A report on EFL classroom-based research: A report on EFL classroom-based research. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(1), 1–11.



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