University and Business

Disruptive training methodology for Wikiproducers


  • Guillermo Arce Ballesteros Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
  • Eva Matarín Rodríguez-Peral Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Gloria Claudio-Quiroga Universidad Francisco de Vitoria


Palabras clave:

Disruptive training methods, Skills, Wikiproducers, Generation Z, Students, Business, University


This study shows how disruptive training methods (DTM) equip students with skills that facilitate intergenerational and intercultural work. Skills and competences of leading international companies and institutions. A review of the literature on disruptive methodology has been carried out. The result shows how traditional education can be adapted to Wikiproducers and Generation Z students, to help them understand and develop some skills that their training is leaving behind, and that can be critical in their early stages of professional and personal life.


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Cómo citar

Arce Ballesteros, G. ., Matarín Rodríguez-Peral, E. ., & Claudio-Quiroga, G. . (2022). University and Business: Disruptive training methodology for Wikiproducers . HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 11(6), 1–11.



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