Literary Reading and Writing at the University: Challenges and Proposals for the Articulation of a new Space for the Development of Literary Practice in University Higher Education


  • Fabián Gabriel Mossello Universidad Nacional de Villa María



University, Workshop, Reading, Writing, Literature


The practices of reading and writing have suffered, in recent years, profound transformations in response to the changing post-industrial world we face as teachers. The expansion of the literary object to new spaces of cultural expression, is reviewing concepts such as canon, beauty, genre, the role of the reader, as well as the reformulation of what it means to read and write literature in a university context. Regarding this, we consider whether the university has adapted itself to these varied cultural and historical scenarios in order to be able to form effective readers and writers in the new cultural context and more specifically in the literary one. We should probably review our mediating role in the classroom so we can productively articulate the reading and writing expectations every student has and the academic offer of the university. In this paper we will deal with the main problems concerning the reading and writing of literature at the University; and we will draft a proposal for a curricular workshop articulating these two activities, while integrating the specific didactic contributions on the teaching of literature, and disciplines such as literary theory, semiotics and criticism.

Author Biography

Fabián Gabriel Mossello, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

Profesor de Teoría, Semiótica y Crítica Literaria en la Universidad Nacional de Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina. Coordina los talleres de lectura y escritura creativa del Módulo de Arte I y II, Sede Córdoba de la UNVM. Ha estudiado en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, en la que se graduó como Profesor y Licenciado en Letras Moderna. Más tarde como Magíster en Literaturas Latinoamericanas y después como Especialista en Ciencias Sociales, con mención en Lectura, Escritura y Educación, FLACSO (Bs.As.). Entre sus libros se destacan: Literatura, Ideología y Sociedad. Argentina: EDUVIM, 2010; Imaginarios literarios y culturales (en coatoría). Argentina: El Copista, 2011. Lugares del decir (en coatoría). Argentina: Homo Sapiens. Se está doctorando en semiótica por el CEA, Cba. Con el tema el Neopolicial en Argentina.


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How to Cite

Mossello, F. G. (2015). Literary Reading and Writing at the University: Challenges and Proposals for the Articulation of a new Space for the Development of Literary Practice in University Higher Education. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 4(2).



Research articles