The Language and the Built Places


  • Francisco Javier Fuentes Farias Universidad Michoacana



Architectural Space, Language, Cognition, Categorization, Innate-Learned


If we don't explain the role of language in the construction of places to live, their study will be incomplete; therefore the built space poses the challenge of defining a method of analysis that takes into account the emergence of cognitive processes in human being, of which perception and categorization of objects in space seems to be the most difficult to explain. And here is where the focus on language, from the point of view of the studies of complexity, admits to interpret and explain the evolution of the human capacity of build. In this sense, it is necessary to review the problem of in witch sense it can be said that language is innate or learned, and if the mind is a blank paper at birth, or has a genetic basis and how would be like. We observed the acquisition of language and cognition, and the construction of places to live, as the product of a cultural-genetic legacy. It is necessary to offer a point of view about the relationship between culture-nature, taking built places as a superior order and self-organizing subsystem: the built space


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How to Cite

Fuentes Farias, F. J. (2013). The Language and the Built Places. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 2(1).



Research articles