Litterary Studies and Litteracy: a Successful Partnership


  • Ana Lucia Boessio Federal University of Pampa - Unipampa



Literary studies, Literacies, Academic teaching


This paper is based on the concept of literacies as the effective and competent use of the written technology, i.e., literacy as an instrument to interact with others, to improve knowledge, immerse into the imaginary, the aesthetic, to experiment catharsis, etc. (Soares, 2007). And being literacy presented also by the PCN (2001) as the key element for the process of social inclusion, it becomes increasingly urgent the need to flexibilize the classroom strategies in order to reach also the undergraduate level. Therefore, this work originates from the identification of the high levels of failure in the Literary Theory courses, and consequently, the need to fill a gap prior to the acquisition of specific knowledge: the need help undergraduate students to read and truly understand different sorts of texts to produce oral and written critical opinions. In this way, this article stands as an analysis and defense of the use of texts from the field of literary studies as a strategy to improve and speed up literacies amongst students of Languages and Literature. From a pragmatic approach, and having as copora the works of Philippe Perrenoud, David Barton, and Magda Soares, this work also stands as a report on interdisciplinary practices in the classroom, with students from the Federal University of Pampa, in Brazil, in one of the cities selected by the National Program for the Development of Education, and which registered in 2009 the 53rd position in the State ranking.

Author Biography

Ana Lucia Boessio, Federal University of Pampa - Unipampa

I teach Reading and Writing, and Literary Theory for the course of Languages and Literature Teaching; besides, I am the head of LALLI - Laboratory of Literature and other Languages within the same course. My background is in languages (Portuguese/Italian/English, with specialization in Visual Poetics, Italian Langage and Literature, PhD in English Literature - literary theories and interdisciplinarity. My major interest is in Comparative Studies, especially literature and visual arts, and French theoreticians, such as Maurice Blanchot, Gaston Bachelard and Merleau-Ponty.


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How to Cite

Boessio, A. L. (2012). Litterary Studies and Litteracy: a Successful Partnership . HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 1(2).



Research articles