Proposal of a video-tutorial for the software Sonic Pi


  • Ignacio Sedeño-Valdellos Universidad de Málaga



Media literacy, Videotutorial, Gamification, Music education, Sonic Pi, Live Coding


A tutorial is designed to teach music in Secondary Education, to deal with elements that intervene in the construction of a musical work such as melody, rhythm, harmony, timbre and tempo or dynamics. The proposal aims to be a guide or to trace a different path towards the acquisition of these same curricular contents, through a tutorial of the sound creation software through code, Sonic Pi. Through playful learning, linked to gamification, new forms of learning are promulgated, promoting motivation. A final evaluation tool is designed.


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How to Cite

Sedeño-Valdellos, I. (2023). Proposal of a video-tutorial for the software Sonic Pi. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 16(5), 1–17.