Steam city kits

A project for primary schools that combines storytelling, hands-on activities, and physical computing


  • Rui Raposo DigiMedia – Universidade de Aveiro
  • Mario Vairinhos DigiMedia – Universidade de Aveiro



STEAM activities, Primary Schools, Storytelling, Aveiro Tech City, Physical Computing


This paper presents a comprehensive description of the STEAM City Kit project, an exploratory project developed according to a Framework for Innovation process model, as part of the Aveiro Tech City project, and designed for primary school students and teachers. The kit, which consists of 2 children’s stories with hands-on activities, an Arduino, and a wide range of sensors, was developed by a transdisciplinary team from the University of Aveiro and distributed to over 30 schools in the municipality of Aveiro, Portugal.


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How to Cite

Raposo, R. ., & Vairinhos, M. . (2022). Steam city kits: A project for primary schools that combines storytelling, hands-on activities, and physical computing. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(5), 1–15.