Escape Room: An active methodology for postgraduate teaching


  • Blanca Tejero Claver Universidad internacional de La Rioja
  • Virginia Alarcon Martínez Universidad internacional de La Rioja
  • Neus Garrido Sáez Universidad internacional de La Rioja



Postgraduate Teaching, Gamification, Escape Rooms, Master Special Education, Mixed Learning


Given the lack or decrease in the motivation of university students, teaching and with it the University finds itself in the position of putting into practice new, more active and motivating methodologies that allow students to have a more protagonist role in the teaching process and learning than they have had so far.
This article presents an experience that consists of the design of an online Escape room framed in the Master in Special Education. The objective is to motivate students and facilitate learning of the subject.


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How to Cite

Tejero Claver, B. ., Alarcon Martínez, V. ., & Garrido Sáez, N. . (2022). Escape Room: An active methodology for postgraduate teaching. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(4), 1–12.