Instrument to evaluate the richness of creative production in conceptual mechanical design


  • M. E. Valderrey Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • L. M. Giraud Herrera Universidad Simón Bolívar



Creative evaluation, Consensual Assessment, Creative systematization, Conceptual design, Mechanical Engineering, Classroom experiences, Mind visualization


Classroom experiences from the National University of Rosario, Argentina, are shared. Its objective is to create an instrument to evaluate the creative richness in mechanical design, with an exploratory and proactive method of instrument valida- tion and pilot tests on 156 students. They resulted from imagining diverse objects, compatible with a given view, and defining five levels of richness according to the quantity, diversity and quality of responses compared against a pattern of solu- tions created by experts. Changes in duration, stimulus complexity, and presence of pre-existing solutions were tested, confirming their potential to investigate creativi- ty in this specific domain.


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How to Cite

Valderrey, M. E., & Giraud Herrera, L. M. . (2022). Instrument to evaluate the richness of creative production in conceptual mechanical design. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 11(4), 1–16.



Research Articles (Special Issue)