Interpreter Training: Nonverbal Communication and the Interpretative Process


  • Raquel Seijo Fernández Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Beatriz Soto Aranda Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



nonverbal communication, interpreter training, discourse análisis, discourse analysis, consecutive interpreting, simultaneous interpreting


This paper’s focus is placed on interpreting training, offering teaching techniques that allow students to master the analysis, understanding and proper use of nonverbal communication. More specifically, it addresses the importance of paralanguage (that is, our voice and its characteristics) in the interpretation process, its influence on the verbal message and the relevance of its proper use in order to offer an accurate interpretation that keeps the intention and sense of the original message. A series of basic exercises for the development of the interpreting technique are offered as well.


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How to Cite

Seijo Fernández, R. ., & Soto Aranda, B. (2022). Interpreter Training: Nonverbal Communication and the Interpretative Process. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 15(6), 1–11.