From Tamagotchi to Tardigotchi: the Ontopsychological Coordinates of the New Humanities


  • Bei Yao Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Tardigotchi, Tamagotchi, New Humanities, Human Sciences, Technology, Ecology


The present article constitutes a metacriticism of Tardigotchi, as biological-technological hybrid product derived from Tamagotchi and as practice of objectual art, based on a transversal approach of diverse humanistic perspectives, i.e., the ontological, ethical, aesthetic and psychological ones. Hence the interpretation of the complex relations between Tardigotchi and its human genesis permits a discovery of the ontopsychological coordinates of Tardigotchi and the new humanities, and at the same time, the materialization of new reflections on the relations between materiality and humanity, among human sciences, technology and ecology.


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How to Cite

Yao, B. . (2020). From Tamagotchi to Tardigotchi: the Ontopsychological Coordinates of the New Humanities. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 9(1), pp. 41–52.



Research articles