Disrupción en la educación, paradigma o realidad, directrices para lograrla, de la mano con los involucrados, Región Escolar de Bocas del Toro, zona #6

Panama have a challenge on their administrative agenda, the disruption of education, trying to put an end to what has been done by tradition, transmit knowledge, without analyzing, arguing, evaluating it, thus preventing the ascent in activities higher mental health on the part of the student body.


  • Kira Pizarro Docente ISAE Universidad


Disruption, skills, transformation, innovation, changes.


  • Fecha de recepción,  julio 2020
  • Fecha de aprobación, septiembre 2020
  • Páginas: 4

It was determined in the midst of a health crisis that disruption in education is imminent, and that teaching competences must be subjected to explicit evaluation judgments, to ensure that the relevant skills exist, which can ensure the required change in favor of students, teachers, educational systems and the process as such.

The writing has an explanatory approach, which affirms the urgency that exists in Latin America   and Panama when it refers   to the lack of innovation and updating that   seeks substantial changes in the methodology that is implemented in the classrooms.


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Author Biography

Kira Pizarro , Docente ISAE Universidad

Docente del Departamento de Didáctica y tecnología, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Panamá –Centro Regional de Bocas del Toro.

Dra. En Educación   con énfasis en investigación.



How to Cite

Pizarro , K. . (2020). Disrupción en la educación, paradigma o realidad, directrices para lograrla, de la mano con los involucrados, Región Escolar de Bocas del Toro, zona #6 : Panama have a challenge on their administrative agenda, the disruption of education, trying to put an end to what has been done by tradition, transmit knowledge, without analyzing, arguing, evaluating it, thus preventing the ascent in activities higher mental health on the part of the student body. Espectro Investigativo Latinoamericano, 3(1), 12–15. Retrieved from https://ojs.bdtopten.com/isaerevistacientifica/index.php/EIL/article/view/55