Scientific and Editorial Quality Assessment

This fact sheet contains important information that we take into consideration in determining whether a manuscript will be acceptable for publication in the journal. The contents will be useful for potential authors and peer-reviewers.


Possible Considerations

Article content

  • Is the title reflective of the contents of the manuscript?
  • Is the abstract structured for research articles (original article, systematic review, methodology, short research communication)?
  • Are the study aims clearly stated and logical?
  • Is the rationale/justification for conducting the study clear? Do the authors clearly state the gap in knowledge?
  • Are the study variables clearly identified and operationalized (e.g. outcome/dependent variable, independent variable, covariates)?
  • Are the methods described in sufficient detail so that the study, experiment, or analysis could be reproduced?
  • Is the study design robust and appropriate to the stated aim?
  • Are the results consistent with the aims?
  • Are the conclusions drawn supported by the data?
  • Is the discussion section critical and comprehensive?
  • Are the strengths and limitations clearly identified?
  • Are the references appropriate in number and up-to-date?
  • Are statements supported appropriately by parenthetical citations?

Figure and table quality

  • Are figures and tables well-constructed and of sufficiently high resolution (i.e., not blurry)?
  • Are figures and tables well-annotated and easy to read and interpret?

Language quality (i.e., English editing)

  • Is the writing clear, concise, and logical?
  • Does the language impede scientific meaning or cause confusion?
  • Should the authors consider language editing?

Formatting and organization

  • Does the manuscript follow a consistent structure, outlined in the instructions for authors or the article template provided?
  • Do authors follow reporting guidelines (STROBE, PRISMA, CONSORT, etc.)?
  • Are there indicators of sufficient editorial attention, as evidenced by the elimination of errors, typos (e.g., incorrectly numbered sections, mislabeled tables/figures)?

Key messages

  • Are there at least three (3) key messages summarizing the main findings for a lay audience or non-scientific readers?
  • Do the key messages contain the main message of the study?
  • Are the key messages written in plain language?
  • Are the key messages understandable?


  • Are all the ethics section completed?
  • Do authors consistently disclose financial conflicts of interest?
  • Do authors disclose IRB approval or exemptions?
  • Are the funding/support disclosed?

*Adapted from NIH Medline Journal Selection Fact Sheet, Accessed July 7, 2021.