Digital Systematization of the Reconstruction and Assessment Methodology of the Architectural Design Process Research Network-Institutional Repository


  • Juan Manuel Mondéjar Navarro Independent researcher



Corrales, Molezún, Architectural research, Design process, RAM-ADP, RN-IR, Open Science


The Reconstruction and Assessment Methodology of the Architectural Design Process (RAM-ADP) extrapolates that used in the doctoral thesis on the Jesús Maestro de Valencia Parish Group to the study of other architectural projects. The RAM-ADP can evolve by being systematically implemented by an open access hybrid digital entity as a research network and institutional repository (RN-IR), which would allow numerous symbiotic relationships between documentation centres, researchers and universities, whose consequence it would be the constitution of a body of knowledge of the design process, more grounded, supplementary to the existing one, and compatible with any style of architectural critical research.


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Como Citar

Mondéjar Navarro, J. M. (2023). Digital Systematization of the Reconstruction and Assessment Methodology of the Architectural Design Process Research Network-Institutional Repository. TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 13(4), 1–8.



Artigos de pesquisa (monográfico)