Alignment of the Portfolio of IT Projects with the IT Governance in Spanish Universities


  • Francisco Xavier Valverde Alulema Universidad Central del Ecuador
  • Faraón Llorens Universidad de Alicante



Information technology, IT Governance, Portfolio of IT Projects, Best practices, Strategic Portfolio, ISO/IEC 38500


This research considers a rubric to assess the portfolio implemented in universities and its alignment with the IT governance principles established by ISO/IEC 38500. The rubric considers 16 elements. It estimates the relationship with 21 possible advantages of implementing the portfolio with some of the elements present. And it compares and establishes the level of coincidence with the real benefits perceived by the universities. This rubric has been applied to the public universities of the Spanish university system. It is concluded that a high percentage of the portfolios implemented have a clear strategic focus and are aligned with IT governance.


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Como Citar

Valverde Alulema, F. X., & Llorens, F. (2021). Alignment of the Portfolio of IT Projects with the IT Governance in Spanish Universities. TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 10(2), 111–131.



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