Chinaticization of Latin America and the Caribbean


  • Alfonso Omaña Kansas University
  • Giuseppe Vanoni Politécnico Grancolombiano



Balance of trade, Trade, China, Integration, Internationalization, Foreign investment, Modernization theory


The research values the similarity between the theory of modernization (Americanization-Europeanization) and Chinaticization as an expansionist model in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). The study is qualitative to characterize the Chinaticization phenomenon through the trade flow data (import-export) and foreign direct investment to assess the impact on gross domestic product (GDP) and employment in LAC. The results show a deficit in the trade flow of China, a high trend in imports from the primary sector and exports from the secondary. Chinese investment and GDP in LAC show an upward trend with a slowdown in addition to an insignificant impact on employment.


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How to Cite

Omaña, A., & Vanoni, G. (2023). Chinaticization of Latin America and the Caribbean. TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 14(3), 1–10.



Research Articles (Special Issue)