Heliox Project: Technological Environments for Functional Diversity


  • Mario Toboso CSIC
  • Roberto Feltrero UNED
  • Bruno Maltrás USAL




Functional Diversity, Interaction Environments, Technological Design, Design for All, Open Functionality


Design and construction of environments influences the functioning chances of people, in an enabling or disabling way. Traditional efforts to remove physical and architectural barriers have evolved into a more comprehensive and 'universalist' vision of accessibility requirements. In the case of new technologies, lack of accessibility produces inequalities and divides in two key aspects: access and use. Combining these two inequalities leads to inequality opportunities for individuals and social groups affected by the digital divide. In order to facilitate access and use to computer for people with nonstandard functioning, we present the technological solution 'Heliox', based on the principles of design for all, open functionality and representational multimodality of technological resources in ICT environment

Author Biographies

Mario Toboso, CSIC

Investigador del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas de España. Especialista en políticas para la discapacidad y la diversidad funcional.

Roberto Feltrero, UNED

Profesor colaborador de la UNED e investigador invitado en el Seminario sobre Sociedad del Conocimiento y Diversidad Cultural de la UNAM, México. Especialista en Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad y en el diseño de software para la diversidad. Director del Proyecto Heliox (www.proyectoheliox.org)

Bruno Maltrás, USAL

Profesor asociado de la USAL e investigador de Instituto de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología de la USAL. Especialista en Filosofía de la Tecnología y estudios sociales sobre la ciencia y la tecnología.


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How to Cite

Toboso, M., Feltrero, R., & Maltrás, B. (2015). Heliox Project: Technological Environments for Functional Diversity. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.37467/gka-revhuman.v4.747



Research articles