YouTube as informal music learning resource for teenage users. Systematic review


  • Inés María Monreal-Guerrero Universidad de Valladolid
  • Sara Herrero Gozalo Universidad de Valladolid



YouTube, Music Education, Informal learning, Social media, Teenager


This article aims to carry out a systematic review of the scientific literature to shed light on the state of the art of YouTube as an informal music learning resource for teenage users. Nowadays, young people, digital natives and fluent users of social media and audio and video online platforms, constantly turn to YouTube as a ludic resource for their learning. However, having followed the parameters of a PRISMA systematic review, our study proves that there is a reduced amount of specific literature dealing with this particular topic.


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How to Cite

Monreal-Guerrero, I. M. ., & Herrero Gozalo, S. . (2023). YouTube as informal music learning resource for teenage users. Systematic review. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 18(3), 1–14.