Male management and female management: pending reflections


  • Lourdes Ivonne del Carmen Alcaide-Aranda Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



Gender, Sex, Leadership, Male address, Female direction, Stereotypes, Equality


It is essential to strengthen the path towards greater participation and democratic expansion; however, gender is still considered a marker of difference. With a multi-case, Kicross-sectional study with a mixed methodological approach, it was concluded that managers tend to stereotype their own behavior according to the cultural values conceived by society for each sex and that the further development of management practice, principles of male direction according to Mintzberg and/or female direction according to Helgesen in order to propose improvement guidelines, it may be due to the emphasis placed by each director.


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How to Cite

Alcaide-Aranda, L. I. del C. (2023). Male management and female management: pending reflections. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 16(6), 1–22.