The Spanish translation of the cultural element妾 (Qiè) in the Chinese novel Hong Lou Meng


  • Hu Duoyuan Universidad de Salamanca



Culture Translation, 妾 (Qiè), Chinese, Spanish, Hong Lou Meng, Suan Bussnett


In this world, no two cultures are the same; translation is an intercultural communication activity. In the 1990s, Suan Bussnett proposes “the culture turn”, and emphasizes that translation should not be isolated from culture. As an important culture 妾 (Qiè) is filled in the novel Hong Lou Meng. From the perspective of “culture translation”, puts focus on how the meaning can be translated, also conveying the cultural information of 妾 (Qiè).


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How to Cite

Duoyuan, H. . (2022). The Spanish translation of the cultural element妾 (Qiè) in the Chinese novel Hong Lou Meng. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 15(1), 1–12.