Sustainability, education and character

An Ethics of Virtues for sustainable development


  • María Rodríguez Toro Universidad Metropolitana



Sustainability, Sustainable Development, Character, Ethical-pedagogical, Children and adolescents


One of the current challenges of Humanity is to safeguard its existence as a species, through sustainable development. It is a goal with strong political, economic, social, scientific and technological implications, because it implies the adoption of a different civilizational model, in which the advancement of our knowledge and lifestyles do not continue altering the balance of Nature. The purpose of this article is to analyze the ethical-pedagogical dimension of such a challenge, referring to the need to form the moral character of children and adolescents according to an Ethics of Virtue.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Toro, M. . (2022). Sustainability, education and character: An Ethics of Virtues for sustainable development. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 13(5), 1–8.