The Expression of Pain in "Chant de Linos" by André Jolivet

Relation of Contemporary Music with Greek Music




Music, Pain, Flute, Jolivet, Myth, Linus


In this article we present the profound relationship between the ideas of the Ancient Greek tradition and the aesthetics that underlies the composition at hand, Chant de Linos, a 1944 work for flute and piano by André Jolivet. Jolivet configures his language in this work from the ideas about the music that he receives from the Greek tradition and from the mythical history of Lino. We will illuminate the context and production of Jolivet at this creative stage.


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How to Cite

Rivera Fernández, M. L. (2022). The Expression of Pain in "Chant de Linos" by André Jolivet: Relation of Contemporary Music with Greek Music. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 11(1), 93–103.