The Concept of Originality in Art and its Determinants in the Creative Experience in the Contemporary


  • Geruza Valadares Souza Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Creation, Poíesis, Praxis, Originality


We propose to investigate the concepts of po.esis , t.chne , al.theia  and praxis  and their relationship with human creation in three historical periods: in Greek antiquity, in modernity and in contemporary times, in order to answer the question: What is the state of creation in the contemporary? In this sense, the research analyzes the concept of originality in antiquity and modernity, with the aim of demonstrating the determining influence of this concept on the understanding of artistic experience in the contemporary world.


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How to Cite

Valadares Souza, G. (2020). The Concept of Originality in Art and its Determinants in the Creative Experience in the Contemporary. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 9(2), pp. 113–125.



Research articles