The principle of tolerance in Rudolf Carnap and his pragmatist interpretation




Principle of Tolerance, Pragmatism, Epistemology


In this paper we will explain the Principle of Tolerance in Rudolf Car-nap and its relation with some values and pragmatism that are sup-posed in this principle. The intention is to do a introductory summary to understand the bases of the Principle of Tolerance. This bases will end in pragmatic premises that include Ilustrated values in the exer-cise of science. This values will help us to choose between scientific systems (like mathematics in Newton or Einstein theories, or euclid-ean or non-euclidean geometrics) that are logical but they are choose because of their pragmatic use. This hipothesys will be ac-cording with the interpretation of A. W. Carus, and represents some now perspective of Rudolf Carnap.


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How to Cite

Morollón Del Río, D. (2018). The principle of tolerance in Rudolf Carnap and his pragmatist interpretation. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 6(2), pp. 51–58.



Research articles