Graphic Design and Brazilian Culture of HQS Present in Miners Comics


  • Eliane Meire Soares Raslan Escola de Design da UEMG



Culture, Graphic Design, HQ, Scientific Initiation, Regionalism


The research project conducted by NIQ - Core Illustrations and Comics by the Centre for Studies in Design Image UEMG the University, with the intention of encouraging students Municipal School Secretary Humberto de Almeida in Belo Horizonte-Minas Gerais-Brazil to communicate Brazilian culture, especially the cultural roots of mining capital through survey and analysis of comic material on the Internet. The main goal is to enter and encourage these students in the 9th grade of elementary school in scientific research, use of means that makes them have interest in research. The Comic Strip (CS) as mediator in the transmission of messages between researchers, teachers and students of the Elementary Education and Higher Education. The internet becomes a potential means for performing image analysis and existing textual content in those Comic Books. To awaken their curiosity, think about doing it think about it, we seek to call into question: how to approach the Brazilian culture through existing web comic? We verified that encourages, fosters and strengthens the student of elementary school knowledge and cultural learning, and show more reliable paths to information via the Internet. The study shows that there is this socio - cultural context in comics – CS – and an inspiration to young students in scientific initiation.

Author Biography

Eliane Meire Soares Raslan, Escola de Design da UEMG

Professora de Educação Superior na Escola de Design da UEMG. Coordenadora do NIQ - Núcleo de Ilustrações e Quadrinhos - Centro de Estudos em Design da Imagem-Escola de Design / UEMG. Coordenadora do Grupo de Estudo CID – Comunicação, imagem e discurso do Centro da Imagem/UEMG. Coordenadora do Seminário Anual Design de Imagem da UEMG. Doutora em Comunicação Social pela PUCRS. Mestre em Administração (MKT/Estratégia). Trata a relação da imagem visual e audiovisual a partir das diversas formas de linguagens, símbolos, relacionamento, comportamento e influências culturais na área da comunica- ção, em especial as Histórias em Quadrinhos e o Cinema. Projeto de pesquisa apoiado pelo EDITAL 02/2013 PROGRAMA DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA JÚNIOR BIC Jr. - UEMG / CNPq / FAPEMIG. Participação Individual em Evento no Exterior com apoio FAPEMIG.


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How to Cite

Meire Soares Raslan, E. (2015). Graphic Design and Brazilian Culture of HQS Present in Miners Comics. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 4(2).



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