Learning and ICT in the 21st Century


  • Enrique Guerrero Cárdenas Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador / Universidad de Los Andes Táchira




ICT, Language, Technological Change, Technological Evolution


Information and communication technologies were presented as an alternative "effective or not", both for those who teach their use and for those who use them; it is a fact, you want to or not, that arrived to our society to stay and multiply, a complex reality which we have two alternatives: we provide them, deepening them. Technologically speaking, to the decline of the Paleolithic era, our fellow beings had nothing to say, however, if they could speak and communicate through the word. The language is inherent to the human being. It is important to make this clarification. The human body, on both ends, were the first instrument to support mankind used to remember and tell. The fingers of the hand, can be considered the first supports that men and women of ancient times is cost to count and constitute, therefore, the notion of elementary arithmetic, previous even to the notion of number. It is very likely that the fingers of the hands and feet have been the origin of the numerical systems quinary, decimal and vigesimal: i.e., the man could count five, ten or twenty. Constant technologicalpolitical and philosophical - changes which manifested themselves in the 20th century resulted in the appearance that it has been called "Age of the information or technology" which has radically changed the global situation in all aspects, and that it has given rise to a technological revolution present every day.

Author Biography

Enrique Guerrero Cárdenas, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador / Universidad de Los Andes Táchira

Licenciado en Educación Mención Idiomas Modernos Inglés, Especialista en Educación Rural UPEL; M.Sc., en Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe, Postgrado en Lingüística, Diploma de Estudios Avanzados de la URiV, Doctor en Pedagogía de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona, España, PhD Educación Latinoamericana UPEL; Director/Editor de la Revista DIALÉCTICA, arbitrada e indexada de la UPEL; Profesor Investigador Premio PEI Institucional y Oficial, Profesor de Postgrado y Pregrado, autor de trabajos publicados en Revistas Nacionales y Extranjeras, y del Libro de Inglés Titulado "An Easy Way to Learn English Grammar, dirigido a estudiantes de Pregrado. Facilita la Asignatura de Investigación Educativa en Pregrado y Métodos Avanzados de Investigación y/o Mixtos en Postgrado, Conferencista en Eventos Educativos Nacionales e Internacionales así como Ponente con trabajos Orales.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Cárdenas, E. (2015). Learning and ICT in the 21st Century. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.37467/gka-revhuman.v4.739



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