Against - Foucault: Interdisciplinarity and the Main Role of the Intellectual in the System in Manfredo Tafuri’s Thought


  • Jorge León Casero Universidad San Jorge



Archeology, Genealogy, Aion, Historiography, Intelectual Labor Division


At the beginning of the 70’ of the XXth century, a critical revision of the methodological and historiographic postulates of the so called ‘big stories’ created during the XIXth century – for exemple, in the works of Voltaire, Hegel or Spencer- was made. That is why a new historiographic fashion, based on the topics of interdisciplinarity, microstories or fragmented methodologies, was created. In that pigeonhole was situated, among others, the archeology of Michel Foucault. The criticism of Manfredo Tafuri attacks those judgments and offers a true and radical interdiciplinary methodology.

Author Biography

Jorge León Casero, Universidad San Jorge

Arquitecto (2007), Licenciado en Filosofía (2008), Doctor en Historia (2011) y graduado en Derecho (2016). Ha trabajado como Vicedecano de Investigación de la Escuela de Arquitectura y Tecnología de la Universidad San Jorge entre 2012 y 2016, donde imparte asignaturas en Urbanismo como Profesor Ayudante Doctor y dirige el grupo de investigación Arquitecturas Open Source. Ha impartido distintos seminarios y conferencias en la Universidad de Antioquía y la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (Colombia), la Universidad del Sacro Cuore (Milano) o la Universidad Andrés Bello (Santiago de Chile) y realizado distintas estancias de investigación en el Istituto Universitario dell'Architettura di Venezia, el Institut de Recherches Philosopiques Université Lyon III, el Laboratoire de recherche de la Université de Lille 3 o la Faculty of Arts and Sciences en Fordham University.


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How to Cite

León Casero, J. (2014). Against - Foucault: Interdisciplinarity and the Main Role of the Intellectual in the System in Manfredo Tafuri’s Thought. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 3(1).



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