Current Overview of Scientific Production Associated with Governance in University: A Bibliometric Analysis




Governance, University Institutions, Bibliometric Analysis


The main objective of this research is to identify the current panorama of scientific production associated with governance in university institutions. A bibliometric analysis was developed in Scopus using R Core Team 2022-Bibliometrix and Vosviewer software. The results highlight the countries with the highest productivity in the topic of study, with the most representative authors favoring the understanding of governance. The main thematic clusters stand out. It recognizes the role of university governance and its migration to direct spaces and the transition from a face-to-face model.


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How to Cite

Martínez, E. G. ., Sánchez Vázquez, E. ., Poveda Aguja, F. A. ., Barbosa Guerrero, . L. M. ., & Cruz Mican, E. O. . (2023). Current Overview of Scientific Production Associated with Governance in University: A Bibliometric Analysis. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 21(1), 37–46.



Research articles