Inclusive Open Education: Instructional Design of an E-book


  • Gloria Concepción Tenorio-Sepúlveda Tecnológico Nacional de México/TES de Chalco
  • Katherine del Pilar Muñoz-Ortiz Corporación Educacional Naguilan
  • Cristóbal Andrés Nova-Nova Liceo Bicentenario de Excelencia Domingo Ortiz de Rozas



Digital literacy, Open educational resource, Visual impairment, Electronic book, Universal design for learning, Instructional design, Information literacy


Fostering inclusive open education is everyone’s responsibility. The instructional design of an electronic book for the development of information and digital literacy skills is presented. It is focused on people with visual impairment. The ADDIE model and the principles of Universal Design for Learning are used. A roadmap was made to define initial aspects. As future work, the book will be developed and shared as an open educational resource with Creative Commons BY-SA license to encourage its reuse. It is suggested to measure the development of other competencies based on its use.


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How to Cite

Tenorio-Sepúlveda, G. C., Muñoz-Ortiz, K. del P., & Nova-Nova, C. A. (2023). Inclusive Open Education: Instructional Design of an E-book. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 17(5), 1–10.