Representations of the function during teaching

A look from teacher’s specialized knowledge and mathematical work


  • Gonzalo Espinoza Vásquez Universidad Alberto Hurtado
  • Paula Verdugo-Hernández Escuela de Pedagogía en Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Universidad de Talca



Mathematical working space, Mathematics teacher’s specialized knowledge, Function concept, Representations, Networking theories, Initial teacher training, Tools


This study aims at teachers’ knowledge and mathematical work during function representations teaching through the joint use of two theoretical models. In concrete, a session for the 1st year of secondary education (14-15 years old) given by a mathematics teacher with the category of expert is analyzed. The results show the relationship between the mathematical work proposed in the classroom and the knowledge that this organization allows, contributing elements to the understanding of the teaching practice.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Vásquez, G., & Verdugo-Hernández, P. . (2022). Representations of the function during teaching: A look from teacher’s specialized knowledge and mathematical work. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 13(6), 1–18.