Interdisciplinary Networks and Reflection on Pedagogical Practice


  • Silvia Branco Vidal Bustamante UNIFASE



Networks, Interdisciplinarity, Teaching, Learning, Pedagogical, Practice, Reflection


In this study, knowledge networks and their following related actions at school are analyzed: the use of new technologies, making possible rethink the role of the school, traditionally linked to the transfer of content and information; the interdisciplinary approach to the knowledge, presenting an heterarchical design, with different but related elements in scope and depth, like the elements of a web or a large network; the reflection on action in pedagogical practice, whose rupture takes place with the intervention of technology and the teacher playing the role of mediator.


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How to Cite

Branco Vidal Bustamante, S. . (2022). Interdisciplinary Networks and Reflection on Pedagogical Practice. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 12(4), 1–8.