Assessment criteria and formative feedback: teachers’ perspectives


  • Verónica Yáñez Monje Universidad de Concepción



Criteria, Quality, Learning, Negotiation, Autonomy, Feedback, Teachers


This work examines the different teachers’ perspectives when externalising assessment criteria. A number of findings from a doctoral research are exposed. These address, on the one hand, an analytical methodology that seeks clarity and transparency while communicating criteria, and also by decomposing the learning goal into small sequences, conveying an atomized idea of what knowledge is. On the other hand, it explores a more holistic standpoint that foregrounds in the interrelationship amongst assessment criteria by allowing the understanding of the task as a whole. Moreover, the influence of both approaches with regards to feedback and formative assessment is analysed.


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How to Cite

Yáñez Monje, V. . (2022). Assessment criteria and formative feedback: teachers’ perspectives. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 11(5), 1–16.