Education as Appropriation: Guidelines for an Existential Formation from Heidegger's Care


  • Selma Rodal Linares Universidad Iberoamericana de la Ciudad de México



Education, Appropriation, Care, Hermeneutical, Understanding


This paper provides an ontological consideration of the educational task, as a methodological strategy to set the guidelines for an education that engages the students to an authentic comprehension of themselves, meaning, the rupture of "the One" state of anonymous publicity. On the first part, it inspects the three moments that distinguishes the phenomenoligical-hermeneutic method: reduction, destruction and reconstruction, from which it develops an educational model in contradiction with the unliving process of sciences, the traditional teaching focus. On the second part, from the consideration of the existencial task as care, it points out some general orientations to "undo the unliving process". These orientations are based upon the relationships with the world that the students, as Dasein, already have: the care of things, care for the others and care for the self.


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How to Cite

Rodal Linares, S. (2016). Education as Appropriation: Guidelines for an Existential Formation from Heidegger’s Care. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 5(2), 35–46.



Research articles