Digital Humanism and Prudent Use of ICTS in the Inter-Personal


  • Javier Barraca Mairal Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Power, Technology, Telecommunication, Digital Humanism, Manipulation, Personal Data, Relationships, Prudence


This inquiry reflects on the power of telecommunications and social manipulation by ICT. The text shows the importance of digital humanism. It also shows that, despite this kind of interference, in the human being there always remains an interior or personal stronghold, which deserves respect and resists its control by simply technological procedures. Finally, practical guidelines are provided to counteract, through prudence and the values associated with it, the possible totalitarian drifts of these media, thanks to some of the teachings of the Spanish thinker Baltasar Gracián regarding the relational.


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How to Cite

Barraca Mairal, J. (2021). Digital Humanism and Prudent Use of ICTS in the Inter-Personal. HUMAN REVIEW. International Humanities Review Revista Internacional De Humanidades, 10(1), pp. 87–97.



Research articles