Análisis de las Corrientes Pedagógicas utilizadas para enseñar Gramática en Inglés a estudiantes con Dislexia, Bocas del Toro.

For many years, the students with Learning Disabilities (LD) were discriminated since they couldn't learn in the same way than the others.


  • Cynthia Tejada


Learning Disabilities, English, Dyslexia, failings in school, lack of motivation, self-esteem problems.


  • Fecha de recepción, enero 2019
  • Fecha de aprobación, marzo 2019
  • Pages: 4

There are many LD and in the same way the methods and techniques to help students to learn in an effective way, and it is necessary that teachers know them to accomplish the process of teaching English to the students with Dyslexia in Bocas del Toro in an effective way. If the LD are not treated on time or in an ineffective way, it can expose the student to many failings in school, lack of motivation, and it can develop self-esteem problems.

This article is based on a research that describes some methods and techniques used to teach English in some schools in Bocas del Toro to students with LD, specially Dyslexia.


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Author Biography

Cynthia Tejada

Licenciada en inglés, Magister en Lingüística Aplicada al inglés,

Magister en Dirección de Negocios con Especialización en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos,

Especialista en Docencia Superior.

Labora en Changuinola American Academy como maestra de grado, Changuinola y en la Universidad de Panamá, Centro Regional Universitario de Bocas del Toro como profesora de Tiempo Parcial.



How to Cite

Tejada, C. (2020). Análisis de las Corrientes Pedagógicas utilizadas para enseñar Gramática en Inglés a estudiantes con Dislexia, Bocas del Toro.: For many years, the students with Learning Disabilities (LD) were discriminated since they couldn’t learn in the same way than the others . Espectro Investigativo Latinoamericano, 2(1), 21–24. Retrieved from