Lectura Comprensiva, su incidencia en el Rendimiento Académico, Estudiantes de 1°, Escuelas Multigrados.

This study is focused on checking the relationship between the Reading comprehension in the student academic performance of first grade of multilevel school zone of the Bugaba district, Chiriqui, Panama.


  • Marixa Fuentes de Martínez


Reading comprehension, academic performance, competencies, strategies, dramatized choral Reading, disorders in the learning, handbook


  • Fecha de recepción, diciembre 2018
  • Fecha de aprobación, febrero 2019
  • Pages: 5

Forty eight (48) children of six and seven years of age, have been found in this zone without the ability of Reading comprehension, leading the child to fail and to repeat the academic subjects.  This type of study has a mix approach by using cuantitative and cualitative methodology.  Several elements are considered as a type of competencies, types of strategies (prereading, the speaker newspaper, monosyllables, word bingo and dramatized Reading coral and family factors).  A field observation sheet with comparison was used, which contains six observables ítems in orderto discover the types of competencies the students have in the learning of Reading comprehension.  Also a questionaire with 23 ítems with closed questions was used.  Moreover, disorders related to the academic perfomance were detected which affect the Reading comprehension (Dislalia disorder, alteration of reading and writing, discalculia dirorder, dyslexia disorder, disgraphias disorder, dysphasia disorder).  A process and monitoring manual with active atrategies was designed to contribute with the development of analytical thinking, through the Reading comprehension in the student of first grade of the multilevel schools.


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Author Biography

Marixa Fuentes de Martínez

Doctora en Educación con énfasis en Investigación

Docente Titular Tiempo Medio, Unachi-Chiriquí-David

Supervisora Regional de Educación- Chiriquí- David



How to Cite

Fuentes de Martínez, M. (2020). Lectura Comprensiva, su incidencia en el Rendimiento Académico, Estudiantes de 1°, Escuelas Multigrados.: This study is focused on checking the relationship between the Reading comprehension in the student academic performance of first grade of multilevel school zone of the Bugaba district, Chiriqui, Panama. Espectro Investigativo Latinoamericano, 2(1), 14–20. Retrieved from https://ojs.bdtopten.com/isaerevistacientifica/index.php/EIL/article/view/44