Author Guidelines

Biosis: Biological Systems follows a single blind peer-review policy; author information can be identified by reviewers.
The first page of main manuscripts must be labelled ‘Title Page’

Title Page
• The Title Page must include Title, running titles, authors’ full names, affiliations, emails (Academic mail is preferred).
• The corresponding author must be indicated. The ORCID of the corresponding authors should be written.
• The contribution of each author must be explained on two lines separately

Main Body (starting immediately after the Title Page)
The Main body text of your paper must contain title (repeated here) and an Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature Review, Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Conflict of interest and References.

The abstract must not exceed 300 words and follow the IMRC pattern; there should not be more than eight Keywords. The first letters of Keywords must be capitalized.
Main headings including Introduction, literature review, Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References must be without Numbers.
Note: Tile page and main body should be included in one word document (docx)

Article types:
The number of article words can be between 1000-20000 words based on article types:
• Original research
• Review
• Short communication
• Book reviews
• Letter to Editor
• Technical reports

Style Details:
• Manuscripts should be submitted in Word (docx or doc).
• Use a bold font for the main title (14-point Times Roman)
• Use a bold font for headings (12-point Times Roman) and use a normal, plain font (12-point Times Roman) for text.
• Line spacing must be double line spaced
• Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.
• Abbreviations should be defined at the first use

References & Citation
The list of References should only include works that are cited in the text and Opposite. Papers presented at meetings but not yet published or accepted for publication, and unpublished data should be mentioned in the references (e.g. (In press)). Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a source.

References and citation normally follow American Psychological Association (APA) style.

Reference list
Reference list should be alphabetical by the last names of the first author of each work. Order multi-author publications of the same first author alphabetically with respect to year and then second, third authors. References and citation normally follow American Psychological Association (APA) style.


References Examples:
Journal Articles
Dyke, G. J., & Van Tuinen, M. (2004). The evolutionary radiation of modern birds (Neornithes): reconciling molecules, morphology and the fossil record. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 141(2), 153-177.

Journal articles with more than 7 authors: First 6 authors ... last author. and follow by date and other information.
Clucas, G. V., Dunn, M. J., Dyke, G., Emslie, S. D., Levy, H., Naveen, R., ... & Hart, T. (2014). A reversal of fortunes: climate change ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ in Antarctic Peninsula penguins. Scientific reports, 4, 5024.

Article by DOI
Dyke, G. J., & Mayr, G. (1999). Did parrots exist in the Cretaceous period?. Nature, 399(6734), 317-318.

Conference papers
Mansy, S.S. (2010). Building cell-like structures from the bottom-up.[ In Editors’ First Initial. Editor Surname (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (p. 3). Italy: Association for Computing Machinery.

Morange, M. (2000). A history of molecular biology. Harvard University Press.

Book chapter
Wood, B. J. (2012). Vinegar In M. R. Adams (Ed.), Microbiology of Fermented Foods (pp. 1-44). Springer Science & Business Media.

Online Documents
Salviniales (2011, 17 January). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved January 23, 2020.

Minchul, G. (2015). Isolation and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Swedish Foods. Dissertation/ Thesis, Örebro University.

Translated sources
Basu, P. (2000). Biomass gasification and pyrolysis: practical design and theory. (Translator M Pezeshki & H Heidari Tabrizi, Trans.). Academic Press.
Note: If the text is in a non-Latin alphabet, this must be translated into the language of the paper and the language of paper must be mentioned at end of the references.
Ebrahimzade, M. & Mehrabi, M. (2019). Assessing the effects of auxin along with calcium and nitrate concentration alterations on the biomass and alkaloids in H. arachnoideus Pojark tissue cultures. Journal of Plant Research (Iranian Journal of Biology), 31(4), 756-768. (in Persian),

Conflicts of Interest
Authors have to disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations.

Figures and Tables
Figures and tables must be cited in consecutive order in the text, e.g., (Fig. 1A–D), (Table 1), (Figs 1C, 2, 3B).
Tables, which should be in a plain format, are numbered and include a definitive title at the top. Table footnotes may be used to define abbreviations, signs or other terminology within the table. Tables must present in the certain positions in the main body text.
All figures (including graphs and plots) must also be submitted as separate files with the format of TIFF or JEPG. The position of figures in the text should be indicated. Captions of figures must be included after references.
Figures shall be sharp and of high contrast resolution. Figures’ scale, directions and grid elements must be labeled carefully.
Figures of humans and part of their bodies must be presented by written participants’ consent.

Note 1: All tables and figures shall be cited in the main body

Note 2: All tables’ titles and figures’ captions must start with the capital letter of the first word

Figure 1. Removal of atorvastatin and simvastatin from wastewater

Ethical Issues
Those research articles which comprise medical, psychological, or physical interventions and clinical trials must present a registration code (with URL and date of registration) and official ethical committee approval and/or permission for their research.

Copyright letter must be signed by all authors and be submitted in the website.