Phyllotheca douroensis sp. nov., a new equisetalean fossil-species from the Douro Carboniferous Basin (Upper Pennsylvanian; NW Portugal): palaeobiogeographical, systematic and evolutionary implications
phytogeographic provinces (Floral Realms), convergent evolution, Phyllotheca, Equisetales, Douro Carboniferous Basin, lower Gzhelian (Upper Pennsylvanian)Abstract
The first occurrence of the fossil-genus Phyllotheca (Equisetales) from the Carboniferous of Portugal is documented and its palaeobiogeographical, systematic and evolutionary significance is assessed. In this paper, we described this new equisetalean fossil as new species, Phyllotheca douroensis sp. nov., found in the Douro Carboniferous Basin (lower Stephanian C/lower Gzhelian, Upper Pennsylvanian), in northwestern Portugal. P. douroensis sp. nov. represents a convergent form of Phyllothecaceae sensu lato (comprises the Angaran Tchernoviaceae and the Gondwanan Gondwanostachyaceae) with closer affinities to Euramerican floral province.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Catarina Barbosa, Pedro Correia, João Muchagata, Rúben Domingos, Artur A. Sá

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