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Peer Reviewed Article

Vol. 4 (2017)

Digital Platforms in Learning and Assessment: The Coming of Age of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Checkup



Artificial intelligence is growing quickly as of late in the area of machine learning as well as deep learning algorithms, device performance, and applications in other diversified domains. In this review, we sum up the most recent improvements of AI in the field of modern medicine/healthcare that consists of medical diagnostics, patient monitoring, and precision medical care. The motivation behind this paper has been to discuss enhanced logical achievements, in order to understand the accessibility of new tools and technologies enabled by AI in the field of healthcare, to see the value in the huge capability of AI as a whole, and to enable physicians in related fields with accurate methodologies. It tends to be stated that, very much like AI itself, the applications of AI in healthcare are as yet in their beginning phase. New advancements and leap forwards will keep on pushing the limits and extend the degree of AI applications, and rapid innovations are likewise expected to disrupt the area soon. The way we perform medical exercises or practice is dynamically changing with the developments introduced by AI strategies for healthcare. Combined with quick upgrades in data handling, AI-based frameworks are now working on the precision and productivity of medical diagnostics and patient treatment in different specializations. A broader perspective of AI inpatient treatment has prompted a few experts to propose that sometimes it might be possible that AI may replace the physicians in a certain task. These ideas bring up the discussion of whether these artificial intelligence-supported frameworks will ultimately take place of physicians in certain domains or will only augment the job of physicians without really replacing them altogether. To review this effect of AI in the field of medicine, this paper attempts to more readily comprehend how this ever-growing technology is changing the field of medicine – especially the medical diagnosis based on historical data of patients. Keeping that in mind, we also explore the role of applications of AI in carrying out medical tasks in specific domains including the assessment of patients by analyzing their past medical or checkup history, and leverage that data to make more intelligent decisions related to suggesting the medication. It reasons that the discussed frameworks will expand the abilities and approaches of doctors and may also augment the usual doctor-patient interaction.


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