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Mechanical magnetometry of Cobalt nanospheres deposited by focused electron beam at the tip of ultra-soft cantilevers

  • Hugo Lavenant
  • Vladimir Naletov
  • Olivier Klein
  • Grégoire de Loubens
  • Laura Casado
  • José María De Teresa


Using focused-electron-beam-induced deposition, Cobalt magnetic nanospheres with diameter ranging between 100 nm and 300 nm are grown at the tip of ultra-soft cantilevers. By monitoring the mechanical resonance frequency of the cantilever as a function of the applied magnetic field, the hysteresis curve of these individual nanospheres are measured. This enables the evaluation of their saturation magnetization, found to be around 430 emu/cm3 independent of the size of the particle, and to infer that the magnetic vortex state is the equilibrium configuration of these nanospheres at remanence.


How to Cite

Lavenant, H. ., Naletov, V. ., Klein, O. ., de Loubens, G. ., Casado, L. ., & De Teresa, J. M. . (2014). Mechanical magnetometry of Cobalt nanospheres deposited by focused electron beam at the tip of ultra-soft cantilevers. Nanofabrication, 1(1), 65–73. Retrieved from




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Published: 2014-06-26

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Copyright (c) 2014 Hugo Lavenant, Vladimir Naletov, Olivier Klein, Grégoire de Loubens, Laura Casado, José María De Teresa

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.