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Recent Advances in Novel DNA Guiding Nanofabrication and Nanotechnology


DNA as life’s genetic material has been widely investigated around the world. In recent years, with the fiery researches on nanomaterials, it also plays an important role in the development of material science due to its extraordinary molecular recognition capability and prominent structural features. In this mini review, we mainly overview the recent progresses of DNA guiding self-assembled nanostructures and nanofabrication. Typical DNA tile-based assembly and DNA origami nanotechnologies are presented, utilizing the recent 3D topology methods to fabricate multidimensional structures with unique properties. Then the site-specific nanomaterials synthesis and nano-DNA recognition on different DNA scaffolds/templates are demonstrated with excellent addressability, biocompatibility and structural programmability. Various nanomaterials, such as metals, carbon family materials, quantum dots, metal-organic frameworks, and DNA-based liquid crystals are briefly summarized. Finally, the present limitation and future promising development directions are discussed in conclusion and perspective. We wish this review would provide useful information toward the broader scientific interests in DNA nanotechnology.


How to Cite

Suo, Z. ., Chen, J. ., Hu, Z. ., Liu, Y. ., Xing, F. ., & Feng, L. . (2021). Recent Advances in Novel DNA Guiding Nanofabrication and Nanotechnology. Nanofabrication, 4, 32–52. Retrieved from





Article Details

Published: 2021-11-21

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Copyright (c) 2018 Zhiguang Suo, Jingqi Chen, Ziheng Hu, Yihao Liu, Feifei Xing, Lingyan Feng

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