A model of teaching in Jesuit universities
Evaluación del cumplimiento de la misión de la Compañía de Jesús
Higher education, Jesuit universities, Ledesma-Kolvenbach paradigm, Utility, Justice, Humanity, FaithAbstract
The higher education institutions belonging to the Society of Jesus need to establish some guidelines to focus their actions for and by the mission. The “Ledesma-Kolvenbach Paradigm” is considered a good basis for doing so. The paradigm presents four interdependent dimensions (utility, justice, humanity, and faith), which reflect an integral and holistic vision of the purpose of a university. However, there is a growing need to operationalize these dimensions. This research aims to develop a model that allows Jesuit colleges and universities to assess the level of progress in the four dimensions of the paradigm in the field of teaching.
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