Bachelor of science students’ perception of online classes during COVID-19 pandemic

A look at the e-learning process in Chile


  • Viviana Gallardo Ramos Universidad Santo Tomás
  • Cinthia Lazcano Rojas Universidad Santo Tomás


Covid-19, Online classes, Technology and learning, Bachelor of Science, University Santo Tomás


The arrival of covid-19 in Chile caused an enormous change in its education system, strict confinement measurements were taken by the government which obligated students to continue their studies from in-person classes to online classes. The purpose of this study is to reveal the Bachelor of Science students’ perception of their online education prosses during 2020 and 2021 at the University Santo Tomás. A qualitative questionary of 32 questions was used to obtain and quantify the results. The results show that online education during pandemic times generated a range of factors such as stress, internet connection problems, access to technology and a lack of learning.


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