Protocol to improve the quality in the formulation of problems in mathematics

A two-dimensional didactic proposal


  • Ciro González Mallo Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • María Clara Rivas Rivas Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Patricia Schwerter Cárcamo Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Javier Bustos Yáñez Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Ricardo García Hormazábal Universidad Católica de Temuco


Reading comprehension, Resolution, Math problems, Linguistics, Students, University, Engineering


This paper analyzes the implications of the relationship between reading comprehension and problem solving in mathematics through a detailed analysis of the linguistic formulation of mathematical problems and their resolution in a teaching support manual prepared for this purpose. In this way, different statements of problems in mathematics are detailed to analyze from their verbal structure -according to a growing and integrated complexity- in order to expose their impact on the possibilities of resolution by first-year university students in the Faculty of Engineering from UC Temuco.


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