human brain
<p><strong>Lorem Ipsum</strong> is simply a dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum</p>human brain en-UShuman brainConsiderations of tooth extraction during pregnancy
<p>regnancy is a common sense. However, when dental care, is likely to perform in<br />particular tooth extraction, a dentist should be aware of any systemic changes occurred<br />during pregnancy that can lead to several problems in dental practice. This paper is aimed<br />to discuss the consideration of taking dental radiography and prescribing medicine for an<br />expectant mother that can't be avoided during oral surgery.</p>M. Hendra Chandha
Copyright (c) 2016 M. Hendra Chandha
2007-04-302007-04-306118Bahan kemoterapeutik sebagai pengontrol plak dan gingivitis
<p>Plaque control is one of the key elements in dental practice. The proper plaque control<br />facilitates the health return for patients with gingival and periodontal deseases. The<br />concept of using chemical agents to treat such conditions in the mouth has been widely<br />accepted as part of dental practice for hundred of years. Chemotherapeutic agents for<br />local use in the oral cavity are available in many forms over the years. The various<br />product categories and criteria for dental practice are reviewed, and consumer selections<br />are suggested. To date, two agents have been accepted by The American Dental<br />Association (ADA) for treatment of gingivitis: chlorhexidine mouthwash and essential oil<br />mouthwash.</p>Asdar Asdar
Copyright (c) 2016 Asdar Asdar
2007-04-302007-04-3061915Keterbatasan radiografi panoramik dalam pengukuran ketidaksimetrisan mandibula
Panoramic radiography is a technique to yield face structure photo including bone of<p>maxilla, mandible and supporting structures like maxilla antrum, nasal fossa, TMJ,<br />procesus styloideus, and os. hyoid. Panoramic radiography is also used to evaluate<br />asymmetrical of face. Growth and development of head is similar to the growth and<br />development of body in general. The skeletal morphology can be disturbed by internal<br />disorder of TMJ and degenerative joint disease as short ramus, a sharp angle of mandible,<br />and also cranial base that cause asymmetrical face. By taking accurate panoramic<br />radiography, the mandible asymmetrical can be measured.</p>Barunawaty Yunus
Copyright (c) 2016 Barunawaty Yunus
2007-04-302007-04-30611620Upaya untuk mengurangi preparasi gigi: Fung shell bridge
<p>Natural tooth can be replaced with many ways, for example with bridge. This kind of<br />denture is conventional because too much sound teeth tissue are grinded. Therefore,<br />many designs which grinds as minimal as possible have been tried such as Maryland and<br />Rochette designs. As technology develops, Fung Shell System was found. It consists of<br />one unit bridge called pontic which has a form of porcelain fused to metal and post<br />bridge. Fung bridge is easier and faster to make than conventional bridge. This article is<br />expected to enrich our knowledge of fung bridge which is as modification of bridge.</p>Eri H. Jubhari
Copyright (c) 2016 Eri H. Jubhari
2007-04-302007-04-30612735Penanganan fluorosis pada gigi sulung dengan menggunakan teknik mikroabrasi
<p>Fluorosis is a pathological endemic effect of ion intake of flour which is more than 1<br />ppm. Enamel fluorosis is tooth enamel demineralization due to excessive flour intake<br />during tooth calcification period. Fluorosis is disparity of tooth which is initially marked<br />with a white line across the enamel surface, and at severe level can change tooth form.<br />Dental fluorosis is hypoplasia or hypomaturation of tooth enamel or dentine because of<br />chronic usage of excessive fluor at period and development of dentition. Dental fluorosis<br />is qualitative defect of enamel, resulted from the increase of fluor concentration at cell<br />microenvironment of ameloblast during development and tooth formation. Quantitative<br />defect of enamel can occur on severe type of dental fluorosis. Microabrasion, consist of<br />air abrasion and enamel microabrasion, is a method of reducing tooth structure which is<br />the best alternative rather than drilling method. The mechanism of air abrasion technique<br />is blast pressure of abrasive particles to remove tooth caries. The principle of kinetic<br />energy is the abrasive particles with high pressure and speed, hit the tooth, remove tooth<br />caries, and reduce tooth structure.</p>Muh. Harun Achmad
Copyright (c) 2016 Muh. Harun Achmad
2007-04-302007-04-30614250Gigitiruan sebagian imidiat untuk memperbaiki estetik gigi anterior yang mengalami kelainan periodontal
<p>The treatment of immediate partial denture has the objective of enhancing the aesthetics<br />of the condition and position of protrusive anterior teeth because of periodontal disorder<br />that would improve the face appearance. This case study was carried out on a 32-year old<br />female patient with protrusive and very mobile anterior teeth that obstruct the lips<br />closure. The diagnosis of patient was dental protrusion in upper and lower mandible<br />along with diastema as the result of rapidly progressive periodontitis. The treatment<br />implemented was the construction of immediate partial denture with extraction of the<br />anterior teeth. After insertion, control was performed at 24 hours, three days and seven<br />days. It appeared that aesthetics, occlusion, articulation, retention and stabilization was<br />very good.</p>Ike Damayanti Habar
Copyright (c) 2016 Ike Damayanti Habar
2007-04-302007-04-30612126Rasio lebar mesiodistal gigi Bolton pada geligi berjejal dan geligi normal
<p>The orthodontic “finishing†phase is recognized for the many details to accomplish an<br />excellent result. A high percentage of finishing-phase difficulties arise because of tooth<br />size imbalance that could have been considered during the initial diagnosis and treatment<br />planning. The aim of this study was to determine whether the Bolton's analysis applies<br />for the crowded and non crowded dentitions. This study involved 60 subjects (30<br />crowded and 30 non-crowded; 29 males and 31 females). Criteria for sample selection<br />comprised absence of interproximal caries/filling, no residual crown-bridge restoration,<br />no tooth deformity, aged over 17 years, never undergone orthodontic treatment, and the<br />presence of teeth from right first molar through left first molar, both upper and lower.<br />Tooth size measurements were performed on study models. The statistical analysis used<br />were descriptive and t-test. The results of the study were as follows: the mesiodistal tooth<br />widths on males were bigger that those on females, the mesiodistal tooth widths on<br />crowded group were bigger than those on normal group but the difference was<br />insignificant statistically (p>0.05); anterior ratio in crowded group was smaller that that<br />in normal group; overall ratio in crowded group was bigger than that in normal group but<br />the difference was insignificant (p>0.05). Anterior ratio of the two groups was bigger<br />than Anterior Bolton Mean, it means that the discrepancy was present on the lower arch.<br />Overall ratio of the two groups was smaller than Overall Bolton Mean, it means that the<br />discrepancy was present on the upper arch.</p>Susilowati SusilowatiMeryl Dekaria
Copyright (c) 2016 Susilowati Susilowati, Meryl Dekaria
2007-04-302007-04-30613641Status jaringan periodontal dan kebutuhan perawatan jaringan periodontal pada manula Suku Bugis dan Suku Mandar
<p>Being old is a biologic process that can not be avoided, where degeneration occurs in<br />many ways, which finally decreases the function. These cause aging people prone to<br />various diseases; including periodontal disease. Prevalence and severity of periodontal<br />diseases vary in world population. These differences seem to be related with age, sex,<br />socioeconomic, education, and also ethnic and geography. This study was aimed to<br />investigate the periodontal tissue of aging Buginese and Mandarnese. Total samples are<br />390 persons (195 Buginese dan 195 Mandarnese). The condition of periodontal tissue<br />were checked using CPITN from WHO. Of 195 samples, 88 samples of Buginese and 55<br />samples of Mandarnese were edentulous. The result showed periodontal disease of<br />Buginese were bleeding 2.8%, tartar 39.25%, pocket of 4-5 mm depth, 50.47%, and<br />pocket of 6 mm depth, 7.48%. Periodontal disease of Mandarnese ethnic were bleeding<br />2.14%, tartar 53.57%, pocket of 4-5 mm depth 21.43%, and pocket of 6 mm depth<br />22.86%. Therefore, the need for periodontal treatment for aging Buginese were brushing<br />teeth instruct 100%, prophylaxis 97.19%, and restorative 7.46%. Aging Mandarnese;<br />were brushing teeth instruction 100%, prophylaxis 97.85%, and restorative 22.86%.</p>Bahruddin ThalibDian Angriani
Copyright (c) 2016 Bahruddin Thalib, Dian Angriani
2007-04-302007-04-30615157Kadar TNF-α dan IL-1β cairan sulkus gingiva setelah pemasangan mahkota akrilik
<p>Cervical margin of fixed denture either jacket crown or bridge, is usually placed<br />subgingivally for the natural look, however this can sometimes cause gingival<br />inflammation. Moreover, if the restoration material is acrylic, it sometimes can irritate<br />oral tissue. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of acrylic, used as fixed<br />denture material, to gingival tissue reaction. This was an experimental study, using pre<br />and post test of 5 acrylic jacket crowns, made to patients in the Prosthodontic<br />Department, Dental Hospital of Hasanuddin University. Gingival crevicular fluid (GCF)<br />was collected before preparation, and three weeks after insertion of the jacket crowns,<br />then pro-inflammatory cytokines; TNF-α and IL-1β were examined. The results analyzed<br />by Wilcoxon sign rank test (p<0.05). The results showed the elevation of TNF-α and IL1β</p><p>concentration after acrylic jacket crown insertion compare with the concentration<br />before preparation. The conclusion of this study is acrylic restoration material may cause<br />gingival inflammation.</p>Edy MachmudRoswita Roswita
Copyright (c) 2016 Edy Machmud, Roswita Roswita